Carolyn and Brooke
I am going to hold, cuddle and breathe in that lovely baby aroma of my sweet little granddaughter, Brooke on Wednesday! I held her when she was two weeks old and now she is almost 6 months. I see and hear her on my computer screen fairly regularly using Skype – what wonderful technology – but she feels like a “virtual” baby.I have bought a cheap ticket to the UK and am going just for a week!
Our Plein Air exhibition this weekend was a real success. We held our show at the home of Noeline McM
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, people were so interested to see what we were doing. I had many people complementing me on my paintings hanging on the show and even had two people ask if I could teach them to paint in watercolours! One lady brought some paintings from the boot of her car for me to give her some advice!
Before me was a profusion of pink roses tumbling over a low stone wall which really appealed to me, I love roses! I was aware that I was there to demonstrate painting outdoors, so decided to take a more figurative approach to the painting.
I started with watercolour on some smooth hot-pressed watercolour paper. I decided to experiment with rubbing watercolour pencil on a piece of sandpaper, letting the small particles fall into the wet paint. Oooh, it makes star-shaped speckles in the transparent paint. Then I had fun flicking on various colours into dry and wet areas.
I dipped watercolour pencils into the water and played around with making various marks. Next I had fun with oil pastels, using them as a resist for a further layer of watercolour. Mmmmmm, I had such fun!
Fantastic Di - I wish I could have been there. Enjoy your trip and pack some very warm winter woolies - it's cold here in the northern hemisphere. We're still waiting for our new one!
First of all, your painting is lovely, and it sounds like you had a great time with your exhibition. It is always nice to get positive feedback! Your granddaughtertoo, is lovely. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Di, little Brooke is just too cute. What a beautiful, precious bundle! Enjoy being with her....The Plein Air Exhibtiion was brilliant and the standard of work so high that I'm sure you had plenty of sales. I so enjoyed the opening and seeing all my special painting friends again. You must have thought you were in paradise, painting in Noeleen's exquisite garden the whole weekend! I love your watercolour of the roses! I can tell you had such fun experimenting. I have not thought to use oil pastel as a resist for watercolour - I usually use wax crayon and am often disappointed. This opens up new posibilities for play!!! Love Wyn.
What a very good idea, to have artists painting at an exhibition. Sounds glorious, and you produced an amazing painting, too!
Have a brillint trip, hope there is no more snow!
Hello Dianne,
I know this trip is going to be so much fun...and it will be so hard to leave Brooke and Carolyn, too. Ah, but we need you! :) Grandma is going to be there to spoil this little one. I do not think I can even begin to imagine how your heart is feeling right now.
I love this painting! The flower blossoms are clearly flower blossoms, but you have placed more here, too. I love the way the intensity is just below the center and then washes out more as you have arrived at the edges...very appealing composition in that way. It is abstract enough to not be sure the type of flowers you are painting, but representational enough to know you were pulled in by that lovely profusion of blossoms. Yes, there is a lot of Dianne here...I can see and feel that. Truly Beautiful Work!
Thank you also, for describing your process. I think I would enjoy the watercolor pencil on the sandpaper trick!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm sitting in front of pink roses, too! How great to read your happy report. Enjoy every second with your granddaughter (I know you will!)
Looks like a lot of fun in the sun, and oh, my, look at this vegetation, we can only dream of this here. And your watercolors sure are amazing!
Your daughter and granddaughter are beauties! Have a wonderful trip to the UK, take care
talk to you soon
Have a wonderful trip to the UK...loving your beautiful granddaughter, Brooke.
I love this watercolor and your description of your process. I am always surprised at the white spaces a watercolorist allows to stay untouched, creating beautiful light. Couldn't get a close-up to see all your detail. It is just lovely!
wondeful painting with such a spring feel to it. Are you a lefty? They have outdoor demonstrations like this on Cape cod too. Have a glorious trip to see Brooke. How lucky you both are!!!
Beautiful Granddaughter Di, in fact a beautiful Photograph! I was at the exhibition on Saturday, sorry I missed you. My word what magnificent work on show, and what a magnificent garden! I was sorry to only see two of your intuitive paintings but your watercolours were beautiful as is this one. Safe trip!.
Gorgeous baby!
And the painting is wonderful.
Dianne, what a wonderful experience to share. I would love to see more photos of you demonstrating painting out of doors. Your final watercolor was so sweetly pleasing that I wanted had a vanity to place it next too. Elegant!
How smart of you to just get on the plane and see that adorable grandchild and your daughter. Who could resist such a soft baby bundle! I'm sure that little one will be loved in abundance. Have fun~ <3
what clever ideas you have shared here and your painting is gorgeous...I love those shades of pink and blue with that deeper rose...yum!
and such a sweet baby...
OH! I am SO glad you're going to go cuddle Brooke! You will so hate to leave to come back.A lot to pack into a week, but I'll bet you load up your senses with her!
What a wonderful day you had painting,,,and magical results,,,that's a gorgeous piece!!
Safe trip,,see you when you get back!
Oh Dianne! We all need your spirit of adventure and play. What fun - but also - what beauty!!! I think that comes from your core! - Kathy
Aww, a trip to visit your little grandaughter sounds so fun and she is a little doll! What a wonderful day of painting you had and produced that exquisite painting!
What a talented artist you are. I am glad to have have come across your blog. Enjoy your beautiful grand daughter and have a safe trip.
Dear Blogger Friends,
I apologise for not replying to you all individually this time - I just want to say thanks so much for your good wishes and interesting comments. I have just returned from the UK after a wonderful visit bonding with my sweet little granddaughter and will visit your blogs hopefully in the next few days.
Love Dianne x x
oh my oh my i missed this post, hope you had/ are having a fab timewith her, i know exactly how you feel....hugs.
A fun floral. Loose and beautiful. Looks like you had a great time painting it.
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