The sales at the most recent show were pretty lean on the ground compared to this time last year, in fact we sold only half of what we did last February. The economic depression is being felt in the art world here; let’s hope there is an upturn in the world economy soon.
I didn't sell any of my paintings, but I made some good contacts! At the opening of our show, an art acquaintance called me over to meet a man, a French art collector and dealer who was showing interest in my work. We had a very interesting discussion and he asked me if I would be interested in a solo exhibition at his gallery! We have been communicating back and forth and I am going to meet him soon to discuss this possibility. Eeeck, what a very scary proposition! Will I be able to produce enough work and will I cope psychologically with the pressure to produce for a deadline? I know I will really regret this if I chicken out, why am I such a wimp!
I was also asked by the head of the local watercolour society to give a demonstration of my mixed media approach. I find public speaking terrifying but I really feel I must push myself and get myself away from those sidelines that I so like to stand on.
This evening I will visit all my favourite blogs, I apologise for neglecting you!
How exciting! You must do it of course....argh!
Hi Michelle, thanks for dropping by, I have just had a great time looking at all your lovely paintings!
Ah, you have been really missed, however I think we all have been busy. Now, I am here to say I have NOT been as busy as you have been it seems!
Whooo Hoooo Dianne! This is fantastic news and yes, you absolutely must go for this opportunity. Here is the have lots of people here to hold your hand through the process. Yes, you have built a great group of artist here who will stand behind you, poke you, prod you and generally be cheering for your absolute success in this adventure!
I was asked recently, when someone approached me, "are you going to be fearful of the success and run away?" That did it! Now, I am asking you! I think I know the answer...right? Be proud, your head held high and know no matter how this turns out you are an excellent, successful artist deserving of every opportunity to move your work forward!
In other words, GO FOR IT GIRL!
...and I can say, "I knew her when..." each time I hear your name mentioned! :)
Hugs, Sweet Dianne!
Yes you can Yes you can Yes you can!!!!!! You will be awesome and brilliant - because you are!!!! It's time for you. I am so excited. Please keep us all posted!!!!! - Kathy
The well known quote comes to mind, "seize the day" its a great opportunity not to be missed. Wonderful that someone gives you so much encouragement to continue with your work. A solo exhibition is a lot of effort but well worth it in the end. You will feel a great sense of achievement. Very best wishes and success in this venture.
Oh, Diane this is such good news...sure a little scary but still good news and opportunity!
I have difficulty speaking before groups so I understand but whenever I have moved passed my has been for my benefit and I'm sure it will be that way for you!
what wonderful synchronistic events happening in your artistic career...don't be afraid, just say what you know and you will be absorbed, have a good reaction from your audience and end up loving every minute of it....really ;)
best of luck!
Di, how absolutely thrilling about the solo exhibition! Of course, you have to go for it. I can well understand the ambivalent mixed emotions of trepidation and excitement all crowding together in your mind. But you really must do this. It will be such a wonderful learning experience and you will emerge all the richer for it. As we recently experienced at our last exhibiton, we are living in tough times. An opportunity like this is not to be missed and you will rise to new heights by accepting this challenge.
PS: Your African Vineyard painting is stunning. You have captured so well, the heat we have experienced recently, as well as the essence of these hillside vineyards. I see them almost everyday, when out walking and in my minds eye, see this painting of yours superimposed. Just wonderful!
Love Wyn.
Dear Kim,
You are such an inspiration! Thanks so much for offering to hold my hand and push and prod me!
Am I going to be fearful of success and run away? It would be so easy to run down the nearest rabbit hole but where does that get anybody?
Kim, you leave such beautiful comments, many of which I like to print out and stick on my wall as positive affirmations!
Dear Kathy,
So glad to hear from you again, my fault, not yours since I have not been regularly blogging. Thanks for your lovely words!
Dear Carolann,
Words of wisdom! Yes, it is great to get positive feedback like this. It sounds as if you speak from experience, have you had a solo in the past? If so, I would love to hear all about it.
Dear Maryann,
You are so right, we have to face our fears and move past them in order to grow. As far as speaking to a group, I will try to be very prepared, then I think I will be okay.
Dear Linda,
The talking should be okay, I am so passionate about my art, the words will flow. It is the demonstrating that makes me nervous, I think I should have quite a few pieces half worked up already.
Dear Wyn,
Thanks for your kind words! I know you can understand the enormity of the situation, you are right, this experience will be a real growing curve for me.
So glad you can respond to the vineyard painting and feel something of the vines and the heat.
Looking forward to seeing you soon for a chat.
Dianne, great news always brings least for me...I agree with everyone here, just accept the good that is coming your way...along with the hint, don't identify too much with the work or the "performance"...lack of identification takes the stress away. Whenever I feel performance anxiety, I like to imagine that it is all happening through me rather than from keeps the ego and its fears at bay. You have an award over at Oasis...please collect it when you have time...maybe copy paste it in a folder for later. May you celebrate your success as a success for all artists and for all artistic visions. <3
Wow Di - CONGRATULATIONS! Go for it girl!!!
I loved those trees at the exhibition. The yacht club one too. Your colours are truly amazing.
The watercolour society, is it in Somerset West? I know someone who would really like to go to you demo, besides me that is, if you could please let us know details.
You can be very proud and you deserve all the wonderful things now coming your way.
Me again. I forgot to tell you that that exhibition was the best I have ever been to. Incredable. I am sorry the sales were not too good, but that was definately a sign of the times and not the work on show.
what fantastic news...good luck, you can do it, go girl go!
thanks for your ovely comment on 'our' mountain.
Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for this very inciteful comment. I hadn't thought about not identifying with the work or the performance, how clever is that? You have really got me thinking about this one. Is performance fear all about the ego? I like the idea of imagining it all happening through me rather than from me, as if it were coming from a collective consciousness.
Dear Carol,
Yes, it is the watercolour society of Somerset West, run by Cherry Nichol who you have been talking about on your blog. I think Cherry mentioned sometime in May, I will let you know.
Dear Soul,
Thank! Yes, we share a passion for that mountain of ours!
Oh it's a MUST, both of them! WOW, you can do it - you are too fantastic a person and a painter not to succeed! We're coming to Somerset West to learn from and support you!!!
What fabulous contacts you made,,and great strides forward for your work.
You will rise to the occasion, the strength, the grace,
('enabling power; sufficient for progression'~ Wikipedia) is in you,,,acknowledge it, grab on, and GO!
Dianne, I'm glad your show went well,(or better: the shows) and this contact with the French art collector sounds so very promising! I'm sure you'll have no problems to cope with the pressure, it will give you wings!
Have a great day,
Wow! Sounds like you're really making waves! Not that I'm surprised of course, your paintings are truly wonderful. Please don't chicken out, these opportunities will allow more people to see your beautiful work, and that has to be a good thing!
Hi Dianne, Guess you have been very busy with your exhibition and everything, however, there is an award waiting for you on my blog. Hope you get blogging again soon. We miss you.
oh Dianne-- what a wonderful opportunity! I am so happy for you! Think of it as sharing your joy in painting with a wider audience! namaste
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