I started painting again two weeks ago! I am still very involved with Iain's rehabilitation which could take another few months. I am quite an early bird and used to read when getting up early. I am now painting at 6am and can spend a few hours in my studio before seeing to other commitments at 9am. This is a magical way to start the day! I feel such a connection with my paint and do my best painting at that time. I don't know why it has taken me so long to discover this! I feel as the day progresses, I still try to paint in between other chores, but struggle to get my mind back into that wonderful "space".
Acrylic 92 x 61cm
This painting was hanging on my wall unfinished, in mostly reds and blacks. I completely oblitereated the painting with white and purple and a bird of prey emerged. I see a series emerging! I seem to have a need to paint about feelings of freedom and power.
welcome back dianne, I was delighted to see you pop up in my reader today and am also surprised you did, since you disappeared before we had those... I thought but apparently not...
I was not acquainted with the trials you have faced and I am very sorry to hear you have been in such a situation with your husband, and I am hoping he is getting well...
I hope for you more time to paint, a most healing pursuit for everyone...I love the colors you are using here and will watch to see how it evolves!
blessings to you and yours...
I love this.
Hey hey hey!! You're back! Love it!
Dear Linda, Michele and Liz, thanks for your encouragement!
My heart is filled with joy to see you back!!!!And your work touches my heart.
It's happened to me quite often , a painting I did not like when redone with some more strokes has amazing results.
This is a beautiful painting you have done,gorgeous colors!
Kathy, you are such a lovely warm person! Thanks for your support!
Sadia, thanks for your input! It is good to get some positive feedback.
Love the colors and the textures! I may have missed it but what size is it? Cheers, Tonya
Hi Tonya,
I love to explore colour and texture! The painting is 92cm by 61cm.
So GOOD to see you back!
Glad things are moving along for you and better times are here.
From the looks of the painting, your mind IS in a magical place,,,and I'm so happy for you.
And us, in that we get to see it!
Dianne, it is so lovely to see you back in the studio. I know it has been a long time for you and this is a great start. The idea of painting when your brain is relaxed and before the buggers of the day can work their way in makes a lot of sense. It is sure proven itself to work well in this fantastic, inky painting. As you know I find blues very appealing, so this one holds a special place. I also love the stone feeling you have expressed in parts of this work. What a beauty!
It is good to hear Iain is doing better. It has been a long process for him, but he has you there to keep him on the right path!
Keep painting, my dear - this is beautiful!
Dear Babs,
Thank you for your kind words! Yes, I feel I am back in my good space. It is scary when that space seems to disappear and you start wondering who you are.
Dear Kim,
Your words always touch a very central part of me, Kim. Thanks, I value your opinion greatly. Yes, getting up early and painting straight away after making a cup of tea puts me right in to the creative flow of things. So often life comes along to subvert our thoughts and expressive outpourings. I have a friend who is a night owl and paints from midnight to about 3am, she says she loves the quiet of the night where she has no interuptions.
Have a great week!
Happy you're back,Dianne. What a wonderful discovery to know that you experience freedom and expansion so early in the day...and a chance to paint it! Hope your h's not in pain
Hi Cynthia,
My hubbie is feeling a lot better, thanks! Are you creative early or are you a night-owl?
Hi Dianne, welcome back to blogger land. I've been away so I nearly missed this one! I like to paint in the mornings too, I'm too tired to burn the midnight oil!
Hi Carolann, thanks for stopping by. I wish I could paint at night as well!
Hi Dianne, I'm so glad to see that you are back to painting again, and that your husband's recovery is developing well. I always love to look at your paintings, at the way you master color and space, have a wonderful day
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