I am back after a break with blogging and can’t wait to visit all your sites and find out what I have been missing! The only creative thing that I have done in the last three weeks is to create this new website for myself. Please have a look and tell me what you think. A friend gave me the link to this great site that helps you create your own site completely free of charge, http://www.synthasite.com/
I decided to buy my own domain for a small yearly amount. This is optional and you can get a synthasite domain completely free of charge. The site is managed by yourself and it is very easy to update whenever the need arises.
I have verified my site with google and there is one more step that I need to take with some help from a more experienced webmaster.
I would love to be able to sell paintings from my site and am still looking into this – Paypal does not work in South Africa, I can spend money with Paypal but not receive money. So if anyone out there can give me advice here, I would appreciate it. I have linked my other site, http://www.southafricanartists.com/ as my online shop for the while.
I will say you have been busy over the last 3 weeks! Whew, a whole new web site, now how cool is that? I have taken a peek and it looks wonderful. I love the simplicity which shows off your art beautifully. For this techno - know- nothing, you have done something remarkable. (I mean seriously, I am looking at this Google Translate button on your blog thinking how can I get one of those because I need it.)
Now, as for PayPal. I am wondering if you can direct it to a bank somewhere else...like England if you have accounts there. Other than that, the only thing I can think of is to set yourself up to take credit cards...an expensive proposition. I agree selling directly from your web site is an excellent option.
I bet there will be others who will have some good ideas for you!
Congratulations and this new web site is looking great! You have been missed, my dear!
Have a Good Weekend.
You are back!!!! You have been greatly missed. What an awesome website! I am always struck by the mystical, spiritual quality of your paintings. They seem to each beckon the viewer to come inside them and float around in your world. There is always an element of healing that I take away with me after seeing your work. Magical. :) - Kathy
Dianne, So glad to have you back in blogland. Congratulations on this wonderful website...it is clear and professional...easy to read and to get around. I was viewing your paintings in oil and acrylic as well as watermedia. I wish you the best and hope you will have the sales you desire. I know nothing about the money situation but I'm sure someone out here can be helpful. I have been apart of transactions where the piece isn't mailed until the personal check clears...I know that isn't convient but most people understand. Bravo!
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing your new site. No suggestions on alternative, low cost ways to handle invoicing and income but I'll be someone will have a suggestion.
Hi Dianne, hope this website proves successful and you get lots of sales. I have no idea how all that stuff works but sounds as though you are a techno wizard to me! I expect you have a large portfolio to show so look forward to dropping by.
Great new website. And you did almost all of it yourself. I am impressed. As someone suggested you could take checks and then wait to mail the item till it clears. Also, bank money orders? Would they work?
Congrats, Dianne,,,,it looks great, and I love the painting Ice Roses in your Watermedia section,,,it is gorgeous!
I know even less than those who've already responded on your question of sales,,,but all the best luck to you!
Congrats Dianne, your website is awesome! I built my site from scratch about a year and a half ago, and while I like the versatility you get by doing it yourself, it is a real chore to update. So, your remark that your site is "very easy to update whenever the need arises" makes me think I should look into synthasite.com. You have a nice, clean, professional looking site that is easy to navigate.
Re your question about selling, I don't have the answer either, but there is a Google group called "Daily Painters" where you can find a wealth of information in the discussions about all aspects of the business of art. You can search the group's archives for topics you're interested in.
Good luck!
Congratulations with your new website! And your own domain (that´s good!)
I haven´t done anything with my website for a year. It needs to be updated and I have a make over in my head but don´t have the time to realize it......
I love your watercolors as well Dianne!
Great Web Site!!! You really are amazing!!! Can't people do a direct bank transfer? I suppose it depends on the laws of the country they live in though. M Web sould be able to tell you though, or your bank.
very striking and professional looking web site. good luck with it.
Hi Dianne, welcome back to the blog world, I'm sure you know I was concerned because you were gone for a good while. I checked out the site but I couldn't download all the paintings. I'll try again later. It looks professional- of course- and I know you will be able to showcase your beautiful work there. I haven't been able to post until today. A week off! I've been shoved into the real world head first. Argh. I wrote about my preference for the lovely side of life! I was hoping to look at your Meditations painting...I'll try again in a few minutes. Take care and I'm glad your back in blog-touch. xx <3
Dear Kim,
Thanks for the suggestions re Paypal, I will look into setting myself up.
I will send you a link via your email for the translate gadget.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Dear Kathy,
Thanks for looking at my site and commenting on my paintings. I am so glad that they say something to you about healing, because they are all painted with a healing agenda, i.e. for me, I heal myself through my painting.
Dear Mary Ann, I am very glad to be back in bloggyland!
So glad you enjoyed my site and found it easy to navigate. I am not sure if people can send a cheque/check (sp!) to me here in South Africa, I think they can send a money order.
Hi Suzanne,
Glad you stopped by, looking forward to visiting you soon!
Dear Carolann,
Thanks for visiting my site. No, I don't have a huge amount of paintings, these abstracts seem to take me weeks or even months to complete. I am SO slow. I wish I could dash them off!
Hi Suki,
I did this all myself using this great site - if you can do a blog, you can do a website using synthasite.
I will look in to the money order thing, since cheques (we spell it this way here!) will be a problem with exchange control.
Hope you are not too cold up there in the mountains!
Dear Babs,
So glad you liked the Iceberg Roses, this is one of my favourite watercolours - my watercolour teacher bought it from me!!
Dear Mineke,
Thanks for recommending the Daily Painters for information re selling and marketing, I will have a look and see what I can find.
Must come over and have a look at your website this evening.
Hi Marianne,
Must have a look at your site too! Hope you get time to update it soon.
I just love painting with watercolours and would like to be able to abstract there too but havn't yet figured out how to do this, since once you put down the paint, it is generally there to stay!
Welcome back, Di
Dear Cynthia,
I'm not sure why the photo's took so long to download, maybe I should downsize the photo's even further before uploading them onto the site.
You mention you have taken a week off blogging, It's amazing how people just pick up where you left off, no matter how long the break.
Hope you get to see my "Meditation" painting, this is a breakthrough painting - painted while spending 8 months in the United Arab Emirates. I have written about the experience in Kim's interview with me, she is posting it next week, so do pop over to kim's.
Dear Soul and Liz,
Thanks for the good wishes!
Dear Dianne, I loved the website and the watercolours are amazing. I can see the meditation coming through all your work. Maybe thats because as you say that the paintings take a long time to achieve. I tend to rush at mine which is why I am going to do lots of 'try out' ones, testing ideas, etc. first on paper with mixed media before I take the plunge, its probably why I often change a painting years later so I am thinking I may alter my working practice and think it through first, I'm not sure yet. Its like a journey but not knowing where you will end up finally! x
Dear Carolann,
Thanks for the lovely comment! So interesting to hear about your process - we all work in such individual ways, which is also ever changing if you are experimental in any way, as you obviously are! I often change paintings years later, these works are always in progress for me. I varnished one of my works and really regretted it and had to find a varnish remover so I could continue to work on the painting!
If you do your testing and "try outs" on a canvas, using mixed media, you can paint over the bits that don't work and keep the yummy bits and who knows what might appear!
Good to see you back Dianne and congrats on your new website!
Dianne, so glad you are back. I visited your new web site and find it really great and also it's free! The pictures are looking good and the size is good too. Thanks so much for sharing this info here, cause I'd like to get my own domain name but didn't want it to do because I didn't want to pay a website!
I tought that you can always "uprate" your paypal account, so that you have the possibility to receive money too? But perhaps not in SA
Dianne, your new website looks really great -- easy to navigate, concise, and filled with gorgeous art. Congratulations!
I've added your new site to my favorites because your watercolours are so inspiring: not one unnecessary brushstroke or additional colour.You make it look so effortless. Great website.
Dear Lynette, Andrea, Diane and Pilgrim, thanks so much for your impressions of my new website!
Your input is much appreciated.
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