This is quite difficult, because I do many things to keep my spirit going, but not everyday, I often alternate certain things ....
1. I love to get up early when the world is quite and make myself a cup of tea and read from one of the various books I have on the go. I do this every second morning.
2. On the alternate morning I go to the gym and exercise for an hour, getting those endorphins going and building up my bone strength.
3. I paint nearly every day to keep my spirit happy.
4. Music feeds my soul, I love my music and collect CD’s of my favourite artists. I particularly like musicians who write their own lyrics and music. I feel bereft if I don’t listen to music sometime during the day.
5. Writing in my journal or on my blog keeps my spirit soaring, this I definitely don't do everyday for lack of time!
I am challenging all of you fellow bloggers to write about what keeps your spirit happy and healthy!
Also thanks to Soulbrush for this award she gave me at least a week ago!

Hi Dianne, our intution led us both to answer Suki's challenge. We do many of the same activities. I enjoyed your "joy-making" list...painting...sigh...I want to paint too! Thank you for the clock hook up! Have you seen mine?
Wonderful list dianne. So great you go to the gym that often. I am sure that it is good for the bones. I've never been able to do that kind of exercise but I hope walking somewhat helps my bones. Isnt that the cutest award! Look forward to seeing your art in 2009. be well, suki
super list, you sound quite disciplined in your every day routine. I wish I painted everyday but the trouble is I am an academic so reading about artists and not doing it myself is my downfall. I do walk but no exercise but the radio is on in the kitchen for company. I love blogging now which I do most evenings. I want to make more friends this year. Keeping the spirit happy is so important!
Diane, The music...what a treasure and I can tell how important it is to your day and spirit. I agree about the journal. It is so nice to have a routine, it is what the heart depends on... a good feeding of the soul. I admire your early rising...the world is so beautiful and the list!
Dear Cynthia, have just been over to your blog, I love your mandala clock! I realise I didn't have you on my blogroll, so have just sorted that! I so enjoyed reading your "joy" list!
Get yourself a few acrylic paints and have a go, you only need red, yellow, blue and white to make all the colours in the rainbow!
Love Dianne x x
Dear Suki,
Thanks for getting me going with this posting, I so enjoyed thinking about it! You know I would much rather be able to walk in your countryside than go to the gym, you must be invigorated by the beauty surrounding you. I hope you will find a place to live that will bring joy to your spirit.
Love Dianne x x
Dear Carolann, keeping the spirit happy is essential for us artists! It should become a conscious priority; we have spent years caring for others and now it is time to care and nourish ourselves.
Your reading about artists is definitely uplifting for the spirit. Making this list is such a good exercise, it doesnt have to be a daily thing, just what you do for yourself in your week.
Have a read of Cynthia's list, she wrote about what brings her joy.
I hope you make more friends this year, I find it difficult to find like-minded people - I wish I could live near all the wonderfull blog friends I have met in the last six months!
Love Dianne x x
Dear Mary Ann,
I so enjoyed reading your list. I have found that now my children have grown up and moved away, I am concentrating on this time being a space of spiritual growth for myself. I was knocked totally off kilter when both my children moved so far away and this concentrating on myself was part of my healing process.
It is a whole new era with many exciting prospects!
Love Dianne x x
This week, I'm off to the art supply store...thanks for the push.-- And for your open sharing heart.<3
We share many things in common! I prefer this tagging to most as it speaks to me more specifically. I'll take you up on the challenge soon. Meanwhile, I wonder if you are familiar with my songs. If not, you might want to visit the cd buying page at my main website where you can listen to little snippets and download "Carry Me Back to the Beautiful" for free at bottom of page. You can also listen to "Great Day" straight through at My Great Day by clicking on the link at upper left (very appropriate for subject at hand). There are two free downloads through "Roswell" and "Virginia song" on my main web site. You might like 'em!
PS. And you DEFINITELY deserve this award!!! You've done wonders through your blogging this past year and I'm happy to be included in your circle.
Hi Dianne, Happy new year, thanks for sharing these things, we have a lot in common too although I do not go to the Gym but head out to walk and stretch outside and have less time to read than I would prefer, but painting or drawing or doodling is in every day too:)
Let's keep up the good spirit, I'm looking forward to interesting exchanges and wonderful art here.
Dear Suzanne, thanks so much for the links so that I could hear your beautiful voice singing your own songs. I would love to be able to express myself in this way. I read one of your comments on your posting that you spent ten years singing for a living? Wow, you must have a lot of stories to tell. Hope you kept a journal!
So glad we are part of the same blogging circle!
Love Dianne x x
Hi Andrea, I know you are a busy lady, holding down a job and still finding time to draw and paint!
I so love your Metrohead drawings, paintings and observations of life around you in Paris, were you born in France or did you move there from another country? It is facinating to read your snippets about life in Paris.
Love Dianne x x
I adore that photo!
Just looking at it daily could keep my spirit healthy and happy.
Is it a personal photo,,,I mean did you take it,,,,know the location?
what a great list, things i like to do too. so nice we have made contact in bloggyland. hugs.
wordveri:blograma (isn't that fantastic?)
Hi Babs, yes, I took this photo on Blouberg beach, which is 5 minutes from where we live. The figure is my husband looking for fossilised sharks teeth that wash up with the tide. These teeth are tens of thousands of years old.
I love the colours reflected in the water and wet sand at this time of day, really uplifting for the spirit!
Love Dianne x x
Hi Soul, hope you are okay after your trip to SA? Thanks for the award, hugs
Dianne x x
This is a great post and I love this tag! You have some lovely practices for feeding your spirit and in turn feeding your art!
Thanks for sharing here!
Dear Kim,
Are you going to take the challenge? I would love to hear what you do to keep your spirit fit and well.
Love Dianne x x
Dianne, I think I will take this challenge. It might be a few days before I can get myself together to post it, but I also like this particular tag a lot. It is also making me think about picking and choosing just what tags, etc. I want to work with. You know?
Thanks Dianne!
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